Presenting with Impact
Workshop Description
As salespeople progress in their career, they have the opportunity to make many types of sales presentations to a wide range of different audiences, ranging from informal customer conversations to very formal presentations at industry conferences. Regardless of the type of sales presentation, it is important to keep in mind that what you say and how you say it determine how the sales professional and your company will be perceived. The purpose of the Presenting with Impact workshop is to teach you presentations skills that can be used in many different sales situations. This workshop will provide each participant with repeated presentation practice opportunities, interaction with peers, and 1-on-1 feedback from the instructor.
Who Should Attend?
Presenting with Impact is intended for experienced sales professionals and sales managers. Newer sales professionals should attend the Sales Presentation Skills Workshop.
Workshop Topics and Objectives
The topics shown below are for the two day version of the Presenting with Impact workshop. You select the most relevant topics for your sales team. We will then customize the workshop content and duration at no cost to you.
Benchmark Sales Presentation: Provide each participant, using a real life sales presentation, with an assessment of his or her natural strengths and areas for improvement in making sales presentations by filming and critiquing him or her on the first morning.
Four Essential Components of Sales Presentations: Learn and apply the four main components of sales presentations (sales objectives; sales message; delivery; visual aids) to help you prepare a tailored sales presentation.
Utilizing Visual Aids for Maximum Effectiveness: Improve your ability to select and use different types of visual aids, with emphasis on how to effectively create and present PowerPoint slides.
Incorporating Relevant Stories and Examples: Learn how to storyboard and utilize relevant stories and examples because the most effective sales presentations incorporate relevant stories.
Interactive Techniques: Understand and practice a variety of interactive techniques, including how to facilitate an effective question and answer segment.
Application to Real Life Sales Presentations: Apply all the skills to a second sales presentation that will be filmed and critiqued on the afternoon of the second day.
Customization and Delivery Options
The Presenting with Impact workshop content, duration, and delivery options can be customized for your company and primary audience. Peak Selling provides a full line of customized sales and sales management workshops, offering instructor-led training, online training, and coaching.
Need a customized workshop in Spanish? Contact us to schedule a time to talk with our Senior Bilingual Instructor (Instructor Bio in English and in Spanish).