Selling with Influence
Workshop Description
The ability to influence others, especially when you have no direct control, is an essential sales skill. Effective influence doesn’t just happen. The Selling with Influence workshop addresses how you can get executives, colleagues, customers, and others to buy into your ideas, support them, and implement plans and strategies successfully.
The purpose of Selling with Influence is to become more versatile and successful at using a variety of influence approaches and planning for important influence situations. We will highlight how you can use influence skills and techniques to perform critical tasks such as handling resistance from customers and influencing internally for resources.
Who Should Attend?
Selling with Influence is designed for experienced sales professionals who need to get things done by influencing others.
Workshop Topics and Objectives
The topics shown below are for the two day version of the Selling with Influence workshop. You select the most relevant topics for your sales team. We will then customize the workshop content and duration at no cost to you.
Characteristics of the Best Influencers: Understand and utilize the attributes that distinguish the best influencers from average influencers.
Influence Model: Learn and use an influence model that consists of 4 positive approaches to influence and 10 specific influence behaviors, with emphasis on how to generate buy-in and commitment from others.
Influence Strengths and Varying Influence Approaches for Different People: Identify each person’s influence strengths and areas for improvement using a pre-work questionnaire, after which you will learn how and when to vary your influence behavior with different people.
Influencing Internally and Upward: Improve your ability to influence internally and upward, which is a crucial skill for sales professionals, especially as you advance in your career.
Influence Planning: Understand and follow an influence planning process so that you can quickly develop an overall influence strategy that takes into consideration both your task objectives and relationship objectives.
Overcoming Resistance: Learn a variety of practical tips and techniques that can help you to become more effective in overcoming resistance and dealing with difficult people, both internally and externally.
Influence Application: Work on real life influence situations both days and brainstorm and discuss these situations with other participants.
Customization and Delivery Options
The Selling with Influence workshop content, duration, and delivery options can be customized for your company and primary audience. Peak Selling provides a full line of customized sales and sales management workshops, offering instructor-led training, online training, and coaching.
Need a customized workshop in Spanish? Contact us to schedule a time to talk with our Senior Bilingual Instructor (Instructor Bio in English and in Spanish).