Coaching for Sales Success
Workshop Description
The best sales managers spend more time coaching and developing their entire sales team because they have learned that sales coaching is essential to generating improved sales results. Average managers, by contrast, don’t spend as much time on coaching their sales professionals and when they do coach, they don’t coach as effectively.
The purpose of the Coaching for Sales Success workshop is to improve your ability to coach, develop and motivate individual sales professionals and your collective sales team. Managers learn what to coach (setting realistic performance expectations) and how to coach (identifying your coaching style and varying your style for each salesperson).
Because sales managers should vary their coaching approach for different individuals, the workshop emphasizes how to diagnose each coaching situation. For example, a new sales professional might need coaching on basic selling skills whereas a more experienced salesperson might benefit from assistance on key account management. This workshop teaches sales leaders a systematic way to prepare and conduct coaching sessions with sales professionals.
Who Should Attend?
All sales managers will benefit from the Coaching for Sales Success workshop. Experienced sales professionals will also benefit if they are mentoring sales people or if they expect to be promoted in the near future to sales management.
Workshop Topics and Objectives
The topics shown below are for the two day version of the Coaching for Sales Success workshop. You select the most relevant topics for your sales team. We will then customize the workshop content and duration at no cost to you.
The Performance Management System for Sales Managers: Learn an overall performance management system for sales managers, including common coaching mistakes and why salespeople don’t always do what you expect.
Motivating a Sales Team: Learn practical tips and techniques so that you can use motivators that have been proven to work with sales professionals and sales support personnel. Learn to also avoid using de-motivators.
The Role of the Sales Manager: Understand five distinct sales leadership roles and how to select the specific role that would be most appropriate for each sales professional and coaching situation.
Coaching Process and Planning: Improve your ability to plan and conduct effective sales coaching sessions, with emphasis on setting relevant and clear performance expectations and following up to monitor progress.
Coaching Styles: Introduction to a leadership model emphasizing there is no universal method for coaching others. Identification of the strengths and shortcomings of your present approach to coaching and counseling.
Customization and Delivery Options
The Coaching for Sales Success workshop content, duration, and delivery options can be customized for your company and primary audience. Peak Selling provides a full line of customized sales and sales management workshops, offering instructor-led training, online training, and coaching.
Need a customized workshop in Spanish? Contact us to schedule a time to talk with our Senior Bilingual Instructor (Instructor Bio in English and in Spanish).